Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Podcast and PFed

As I'm sure you've noticed (actually you probably haven't) but I have been M.I.A. this past little while... yes, by that I mean stumbling around the stage and giving the middle finger to the cameras.

We have been been hard at work getting the new Pull the Plug Podcast up and running, which was somehow accomplished in a few short weeks. We have begun working out the kinks and we sound as shitty as ever! But at least it's shit that is fun to laugh at.
Since parting ways with our commercial radio counter-part, we have found new love in being able to express ourselves without worrying about who we happen to offend that week or why people care if someone says fuck in the 21st century. Needless to say, we are in love and are here to stay.

So if you're a fan of funny shit, a little banter and some killer indie acoustic talents be sure to Listen and Subscribe to Pull the Plug Podcast on iTunes.

SPOONFULS OF NEWS: The legendary Timmie's Cup and the man behind the crotch holding the cup, Paul Federici will be back in the studio in 2 short weeks! We will have a few new PFed tracks and a bit of talk from us chatty-fucks.

Special guest, Mike Vial will also be gracing the Pull the Plug studios with his presence and the 2 of them will be doing a short Canadian tour together, hitting Toronto, Kitchener, St.Catherine's and Thorold Ontario.

Don't miss them in Thorold, Saturday October 13th for the Paul Federici Fundraiser in support of new music from this talented fuck. Making an album isn't cheap so let's support all of the non-Bieber's out there and give ourselves something decent to listen to! Buy tickets HERE. As an added bonus, the PTP Crew will all be there signing babies and making fool's of ourselves.

Follow Paul Federici on Twitter and Facebook and support Mike Vial on Twitter and Facebook.

-Stay Interesting

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